Project Abstract

Design and build a custom film-blog Craft implementation for Anna Woods, an aspiring Film Critic — and also my partner... Built in Craft, and mirroring her old Wordpress website, the new, custom built website is purpose built for film reviewing.

Star Ratings

Each film is awarded a star rating out of 5. How best to CMS something like that? Make Anna edit an image for EVERY review to put the stars on? Then if she changes her mind, that image needs re-editing and uploading? Nah. Too long.

This is my favourite part of the whole project — in the CMS backend, there is a simple number entry which rounds to 1 decimal place. It then is passed through a twig 'switch' statement, which figures out what star rating should be displayed, to the nearest half star. I'm a genius, I know...

View the website here —

Look closely for the star rating...
Look closely for the star rating...